Why Attend Laracon Online

Yesterday on 6th February  2017, Laracon Online was announced. Now since you must have already read what it is, I will focus on why one should attend it.

Is it worth to attend 9 hours long virtual conference?

Yes, it is definitely. The 9 hours long conference gives you hours of mingling with the dudes like Mr. Otwell himself. Now you would question he is virtually available on twitter & slack anyways why pay $10 for it? Fair enough! Here’s how I see the same thing:

  • I can have a word with Mr. Taylor on how to be a better developer managing 10 different things.
  • I can ask Jeffrey at the same time “Hey Jeff, Taylor says you need to understand the {x thing} better so how do I achieve that?”
  • Ok so I have learned both now I need to have a little insight what better skills I need to have to get hired as a Laravel dev? And yes there is the man himself Matt Stauffer to give you a quick suggestion.
  • Wait, you ain’t a student like me but an experienced dev probably running a development agency, so you need some helpful tips for making that a success story, well you have Mr. Ian Landsman for it there.
  • What better than asking the creator of ‘Laravel Shift’ Mr. Jason himself on better execution of “side-projects”.


I can go on & on but you get a basic idea. I feel that Laracon Online would be more helpful and the reason being ‘Slack’. You will have everyone in one slack room dedicating their entire day into it and that makes more of a healthy, analytical & resourceful discussion.


For students/interns like myself, Alex & many more it is a sure shot go! And a bit of unsolicited advice: if we 20-year-olds can be up for it across our time zones, you experienced devs should come along and help us guide in the right direction so we pass all other tests in our web dev cycle rather than just the PHP unit tests. In return, you get the mutual enthusiasm & appreciation, after all, I haven’t seen any community this helpful making knowledge & networking with other devs this accessible. With all due respect thank you again, Ian Landsman, Eric Barnes & the dude Taylor Otwell 🙂

PS: You definitely don’t want to miss out an opportunity of sponsoring such a great event. So contact Mr. Ian Landsman for that and grab the opportunity.

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