Display Upcoming WordCamp’s On WordPress Post Or Page

A couple of months back we released WordPress plugin to display upcoming WordCamp’s on the wp-admin dashboard, you can read about it here for more details. Post that we have been receiving the request from many users & developers to add in support for the shortcode. We have been planning to add the support for shortcode & Visual Composer so that details can be easily displayed at different places, not just wp-admin dashboard.

Finally, with the release of v0.6, you can use the shortcode to display WordCamps anywhere or Visual Composer widget if you use Visual Composer page builder. Currently, shortcode doesn’t have any parameters but we plan to add more flexibility with upcoming releases.

To add the WordCamp’s details on post or pages simply add [[wordcamps]] and if you use Visual Composer simply search for widget WordCamps.

Shortcode output will be as follow:




Download the latest plugin from wordpress.org plugin directory. You can contribute, submit issues & PR to GitHub repo.

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