Sublime & Atom Snippets For WordPress Custom Meta Boxes

We at LUBUS love crafting custom WordPress solutions and try to use plugins only when it’s genuinely needed. Every other WordPress project we work on somehow requires “custom meta fields”. Though we have many plugins available we love to use non-plugin solution & “Custom Meta Boxes (CMB)” by Human Made is the perfect solution which always works for us and lately, we have been contributing to it as well. It’s so much part of our work nowadays that we find ourselves spending a lot of time on its wiki for various code & info.

As “Sublime Text” is our choice of editor, we were looking for snippets package to speed up our workflow but guess what no luck. Huh! But after spending new nights on Google, we found one package but again it was not updated since long and was not covering all aspects of CMB. So we thought and decided to create our own so that it can help the other fellow developers like us. We have published it on GitHub & Sublime Text packages repository.

Lately, we have been toying around with “Atom” Editor by GitHub which we often use for development. So we converted our Sublime Text snippets package for Atom as well to get the same ease & speed. Package for the same has been published on GitHub & Atom packages directory.

Don’t forget and do feel free to send pull request 🙂

We believe in sharing, that is what WordPress & Laravel taught us. We will keep sharing stuff which helps so that others can learn as well.

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