LUBUS Highlights March 2017

[well] Like every month, last month also our team spent sometime in giving back to the community. Also, we spent hours in polishing few of our products. [/well]

Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help:

  • We have been using the simple script to debug/test WordPress queries. We thought to convert it into handy plugin & share it as OpenSource GPL plugin. We released “WP Query Console” which is available on WordPress plugin directory to install it quickly in your WordPress dashboard. Same is available on GitHub to explore the code and contribute.
  • Our handy laravel package “Laravel decomposer” crossed 1k plus downloads and receiving a pretty good response. We have pushed some improvements and feature to add more value. In case you missed, do check out and share your suggestions & feedback.
  • For easy integration of Instamojo into your Laravel app, we created & released “Laravel Mojo” the laravel package a few months back. We pushed few improvements and few more are in the pipeline.
  • Ajit Bohra from our team have been enjoying being part of WordCamp’s and have volunteered for recent “WordCamp Mumbai”. He aims to attend more & more community events and learn & share the experience.
  • We have been developing Laravel based management system for gyms/fitness clubs which was running at few local fitness centers. We are polishing it further to push to the masses. More details will be shared soon.
  • Xenio – Back office automation system for wholesale debt market, an intranet application we created a couple of years back and which have been successfully running at one of our clients & have seen many releases. It’s quite stable and ready for mass usage. We are packing few features too soon make it available to other business. More details coming soon.

Things dropping soon :-):

  • Some more WordPress plugins
  • Some more Laravel packages & apps
  • More & more open source contributions
  • And yeah the client projects are never ending hehe.

Do not worry we won’t ask you to subscribe to one more annoying newsletter & stuff to spam your inbox, to catch up with the updates for the above promises you can keep an eye on our  Twitter & Github, and if we are late to deliver the promises you can poke us anytime on  Facebook 🙂

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