LUBUS Highlights April 2017

[well]Working towards standardizing our workflow to work on things in a more disciplined manner [/well]

Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help:

  • Most of our existing client are either on VPS (Virtual Private Server) or are about to be moved. For the upcoming projects, we would standardize this for all upcoming projects to eradicate common issues/concerns raised by client mostly performance issues which are common on shared hosting. This will help us deliver better and also improve our workflow. Currently, all our projects are proudly powered by DigitalOcean. Ping us if you would like to get your own VPS configured for your WordPress website.
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on all the upcoming website where needed.
  • We get the client with varied budgets some want to go with pre-existing themes and some with custom handcrafted WordPress solutions. We are moving over from our custom boilerplate in favor of underscore or _s
  • Being busy with client work our website revamp was long due pending Pravin is working on the new design & copy.
  • A small start to contributing to Laravel Harish first pull request to laravel docs got merged.
  • Harish is now contributing author to “Laravel Collection Unraveled” you can download the book for free or pay what you want.
  • XENIO – Our back office automation system for Wholesale Debt Market (WDM)  got Version 1.6 with improvements & bug fixes. Version 1.7 is in progress which will add some new reports and improvements.

Things dropping soon :-):

  • Some more WordPress plugins
  • Some more Laravel packages & apps
  • More & more open source contributions
  • And yeah the client projects are never ending hehe.

Do not worry we won’t ask you to subscribe to one more annoying newsletter & stuff to spam your inbox, to catch up with the updates for the above promises you can keep an eye on our  Twitter & Github, and if we are late to deliver the promises you can poke us anytime on  Facebook 🙂

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