• Dummynator

    Dummynator – Insert Blocks With Dummy Content To Gutenberg

    Dummynator, a simple plugin that allows you to add paragraph & list block with random content to Gutenberg. Recently working with Gutenberg we had to add random content to few pages & our laziness lead us to this plugin.  It was the perfect opportunity for us to use the Gutenberg plugin & sidebar API. Currently, the plugin…

    Read more: Dummynator – Insert Blocks With Dummy Content To Gutenberg
  • Block Background – Extending WordPress Gutenberg Blocks

    Last week we released “Color Palette Block” which enables users to create and share color palette quickly from WordPress Gutenberg editor. Post that we have been experimenting with Gutenberg extensibility API. Gutenberg development team is working hard on each release and adding more power to the upcoming editor.  Last few releases added extensibility API to extend Gutenberg / blocks via…

    Read more: Block Background – Extending WordPress Gutenberg Blocks

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