• Handy WordPress Plugins

    Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 4

    At LUBUS, we have been fortunate enough to work on different kind of projects which has helped us learn & explore WordPress. We try our best to avoid using plugins for every other requirement which can be simply implemented with few lines of code. But there are scenarios when plugins come in handy. For us, these plugins are…

    Read more: Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 4
  • LUBUs Highlights April 2017

    LUBUS Highlights April 2017

    [well]Working towards standardizing our workflow to work on things in a more disciplined manner [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help: Most of our existing client are either on VPS (Virtual Private Server) or are about to be moved. For the upcoming projects,…

    Read more: LUBUS Highlights April 2017
  • Handy WordPress Plugins

    Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 3

    At LUBUS, we have been fortunate enough to work on different kind of projects which has helped us learn & explore WordPress. We try our best to avoid using plugins for every other requirement which can be simply implemented with few lines of code. But there are scenarios when plugins come in handy. For us, these plugins are…

    Read more: Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 3
  • WP Query Console – Quickly Test WordPress Queries

    It’s common while working on theme and plugin development, it involves working with WordPress queries. Most common way to test is ‘var_dump( )’ to test the output or refresh the page and see the output but then we thought of creating a handy script long back to make it less boring. Idea was to have…

    Read more: WP Query Console – Quickly Test WordPress Queries
  • LUBUS Highlights March 2017

    [well] Like every month, last month also our team spent sometime in giving back to the community. Also, we spent hours in polishing few of our products. [/well] Here’s a list of few things we have been doing recently that might be of your interest or help: We have been using the simple script to…

    Read more: LUBUS Highlights March 2017
  • Handy WordPress Plugins

    Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 2

    At LUBUS we have been fortunate enough to work on different kind of projects which has helped us learn & explore WordPress. We try our best to avoid using plugins for every other requirement which can be simply implemented with few lines of code, but there are scenarios when plugins come in handy. For us, these plugins are…

    Read more: Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 2
  • Handy WordPress Plugins

    Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 1

    At LUBUS we have been fortunate enough to work on different kind of projects which has helped us learn & explore WordPress. We try our best to avoid using plugins for every other requirement which can be simply implemented with few lines of code. But there are scenarios when plugins come in handy. For us, these plugins are…

    Read more: Handy WordPress Plugins For Developers – Part 1
  • Sublime Atom Snippets For WordPress Custom Meta Boxes

    Sublime & Atom Snippets For WordPress Custom Meta Boxes

    We at LUBUS love crafting custom WordPress solutions and try to use plugins only when it’s genuinely needed. Every other WordPress project we work on somehow requires “custom meta fields”. Though we have many plugins available we love to use non-plugin solution & “Custom Meta Boxes (CMB)” by Human Made is the perfect solution which always…

    Read more: Sublime & Atom Snippets For WordPress Custom Meta Boxes
  • Display Upcoming WordCamp’s On WordPress Post Or Page

    A couple of months back we released WordPress plugin to display upcoming WordCamp’s on the wp-admin dashboard, you can read about it here for more details. Post that we have been receiving the request from many users & developers to add in support for the shortcode. We have been planning to add the support for shortcode &…

    Read more: Display Upcoming WordCamp’s On WordPress Post Or Page
  • wordpress website google optimization

    WordPress Website Optimization With Google

    It’s no denying fact that with every passing day more and more people are using WordPress which is quite visible from the rising market share. At LUBUS we have been providing WordPress powered websites & solutions to our clients. We try to provide our clients with a handcrafted solution for more control over various aspects. These days…

    Read more: WordPress Website Optimization With Google

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